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Bellingham, WA

Skylert Updates


The PTO prepares a Student Directory each year based on the contact information you provide to the Bellingham School District via the Skylert tab in you Skyward Family Access account. The PTO also uses this information to communicate important PTO Events and reminders via text and email. Make sure your information is up to date and you have the correct notification preferences selected!

Login to your Skward Family Access account to review your contact information for accuracy AND to make sure you allow the School District to share it with the PTO via your notification preferences.

Click on the Skylert tab on the left and make sure "General Outreach" and "School Athletics/ Activities" are checked.

For more help, review the BPS Instructions for Using Skylert.

Review your contact information and ensure the boxes are checked so the school district can share your information with the PTO.

Review your contact information and ensure the boxes are checked so the school district can share your information with the PTO.