Host an Enrichment Class at Parkview
The PTO partners with local providers to host a variety of paid enrichment opportunities for students at Parkview. Fill out the application to tell us more about your offering!
The Parkview Parent Teacher Organization is committed to providing high-quality after school enrichment programs to Parkview families. As part of the commitment, we contract with outside providers so we can provide a robust and diverse schedule of available classes during each enrichment session.
The Parkview PTO offers three sessions of After School Enrichment. The dates of each session will vary from year to year.
Fall (October to December)
Winter (Late January to April)
Spring (April to June)
Application process
Please submit application linked above. Once your application is approved and space is secured, the VP of Enrichment will reach out with a Vendor Contract and additional details.
Vendor Requirements
Executed Vendor Agreement.
Copy of your W-9.
Approved volunteer application with Bellingham Public Schools.
Certificate of insurance showing the PTO as an additional insured with general liability coverage of at least $1 million.
The PTO requires that a PTO Volunteer Chaperone is present at each class session (see below). You may find a suitable volunteer, or the PTO can help find one for you.
PTO Volunteer Chaperone Requirement
The PTO requires that a member of the Parkview PTO, as defined in the PTO’s Bylaws (the “PTO Chaperone”), be present at each class session. The Vendor may identify a suitable PTO Chaperone, or the PTO can help the Vendor find one.
If the Vendor is a PTO Member and is collecting fees from students, there must be a separate, unpaid, volunteer PTO Chaperone identified. If the Vendor is volunteering, there is a separate process for running a Club. Please email for details.
The PTO and/or the Vendor must identify a suitable PTO Chaperone 3 business days before the start of the first class in the session. In the event that the PTO and/or the Vendor are unable to find a suitable PTO Chaperone, the PTO reserves the right to cancel the offering and this agreement. If the offering and this agreement is canceled, the Vendor agrees to refund all student tuition and fees in full.
Please note that the PTO Chaperone is not expected to help the Vendor facilitate the class, supervise or discipline students, or execute any of the Vendor’s duties. The Vendor is responsible for ensuring that they are properly staffed to run the class without any assistance for the PTO Chaperone. The Vendor may not pay or offer to pay the PTO Chaperone to provide assistance.
Vendor Policies anD Guidelines
View or download a copy of our Vendor Policies and Guidelines.